Zip Peel & Stick Underlayment
ZIP System peel and stick underlayment products are code-recognized self-adhered roofing membranes designed to fulfill code requirements for ice barrier and underlayment on roofs with a 2:12 pitch or greater. When installed properly, ZIP System peel and stick underlayment products can help prevent damage caused by ice dams, wind-driven rain, and water leaks in high-risk areas. ZIP System peel and stick underlayment products are applied to roof sheathing before the finished roof covering is installed and can be used in valleys, eaves, transitions or to cover the entire roof.
Available Sizes:
Features & Benefits:
-Use to meet code requirements for ice barrier or as a waterproofing roofing underlayment
-High-performance self-adhered rubberized asphalt product that seals around nails
-Protect areas at risk of leaks or water damage due to ice dams or wind-driven rain, such as at eaves and valleys, or entire roof application
-Slip-resistant surface for ease of application
-Leak-free Guarantee
PDF: Zip System Peel & Stick Brochure
PDF: Zip System Peel & Stick Installation-Manual
PDF: Zip System Peel & Stick Product Data Sheet
Zip Rainscreen
ZIP System rainscreen is the latest ZIP System solution to help builders achieve a high-performance wall assembly. It streamlines drainage and ventilation between sheathing and reservoir cladding systems. With easy installation, it provides an air gap and drainage plane to promote drying behind cladding systems. Now, teams can meet the new code-required 3/16" air gap and secondary water-resistive layer for stucco and adhered stone assemblies with a single rainscreen product.
Available Sizes:
Features & Benefits:
-Creates a 1/4" drainage and air gap to promote better drying within the wall assembly
-Integrated second layer of waster-resistance
-90-day exposure warranty
-Great for use with stucco, adhered stone, brick veneer, fiber cement, and wood siding
PDF: Zip Rainscreen Install Guide
PDF: Zip Rainscreen Specifier Guide