Zip System Tape & Flashing
Zip Tape creates an airtight seal that reduces air leakage, increases energy efficiency, and creates a water-resistant barrier.
Available Tapes and Flashing:
Features & Benefits
-Zip System & Tape yield an estimated 11% annual heating and cooling savings in the St. Louis market, compared to a traditional house wrapped home
-Tape can be applied in wet and dry conditions
-Allowable 180 day sun exposure
-30 year warranty
-Incredibly versatile, and can be used for corners, valleys, window flashing, sills, ridges, and more
Zip System Stretch Tape Installation
First Time User Rebate = up to $600 ($200 per product line)
PDF: Advantech Accessory Rebate Form
Submit Online: Advantech Rebate
Zip Liquid Flashing: